Know Your Rights & Responsibilities

1.7 Discrimination

1.7.1 Can a landlord refuse to rent based on discrimination?
1.7.2 How can I complain about discrimination?

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1.7.1 Can a landlord refuse to rent based on discrimination?

The Human Rights Code forbids discrimination in tenancies based on a person's race, colour, ancestry, place of origin, marital status, family status, physical or mental disability and gender or sexual orientation.

A landlord cannot refuse to rent to a tenant based on the tenant's income, as long as the source of income is legal. This means, for example, that a tenant cannot be discriminated against if the rent is paid with an income assistance cheque.

A landlord cannot discriminate against a tenant because of the tenant's age, unless the residential property or manufactured home park is reserved for tenants who are fifty-five or older.

Tenancy agreements signed by tenants who are nineteen or younger are enforceable and tenants under nineteen are just as accountable for their actions as tenants over nineteen.

See also:

1.7.2 How can I complain about discrimination?

If you are a tenant, and you think your landlord has discriminated against you, contact the British Columbia Human Rights Tribunal or call:

  • In the Lower Mainland: 604-775-2000
  • Toll free elsewhere in BC: 1-888-440-8844.
