Know Your Rights & Responsibilities

1.8 Offences

1.8.1 What are the penalties for offences under residential tenancy law?
1.8.2 What are the penalties for harassment?

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1.8.1 What are the penalties for offences under residential tenancy law?

If you are charged with an offence under residential tenancy law, you will be served with a summons to appear at Provincial Court. The court may impose a fine of up to five thousand dollars against you. The fine is payable to the Provincial Court.

You can be fined if you deliberately damage the residential property or the manufactured home park.

You can be fined if you give false or misleading information at a dispute resolution hearing, or do not comply with a dispute resolution officer's decision or order.

1.8.2 What are the penalties for harassment?

You can be fined if you harass or threaten a landlord or tenant in order to discourage that person from making an application under the legislation, or to retaliate for seeking a remedy under residential tenancy law.

Other types of harassment may not be considered an offence under the Act, but still be subject to a monetary claim for damages.

If you feel you are being harassed, you should discuss this with a Residential Tenancy Information Officer.

See also:
