Ministry of Energy and Mines

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BC Geological Survey
Exploration Finance Programs
Exploration:  Handbook
Exploration:  Two-Zone System
Exploring the Future
Mine Health and Safety
Mine Permitting
Mine Rescue 2004
Minerals, Oil and Gas
Mineral Revenues
Mineral Statistics Sitemap
Mineral Titles Branch
What's New in Mining

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Electricity & Alternative Energy
Electricity Policy
Marketing, Aboriginal & Community Relations
Geothermal Resources
Links and Related Organizations
Mining in BC
Oil and Gas
Site Index
Vendor Relations
What's New
Who We Are

Beginning in the mid-1800s, with the coal mines on Vancouver Island and the placer gold camps of the Cariboo, British Columbia has become one of the world’s major mining regions.   The province encompasses the largest part of the Canadian Cordillera, a mountain belt rich in minerals and coal. British Columbia is an important producer and exporter of copper, gold, silver, lead, zinc, molybdenum, coal and industrial minerals.

Today, British Columbia is known for its high quality metallurgical coal, its giant open pit copper-molybdenum and copper-gold porphyry deposits, the world-class Sullivan lead-zinc sedex-deposit, and the more recently discovered spectacular Eskay Creek silver-gold deposit.

British Columbia’s mining industry is internationally recognized for its expertise in mineral exploration and mine development and Vancouver is one of the great mining centres in the world.

British Columbia enjoys excellent geology, access to an ample supply of low-cost power, good transportation systems, modern ports and a strategic location with respect to Asian markets.

With our abundant mineral resources, a skilled industry and a positive business climate, opportunities abound for growth in the mineral sector in the years ahead.

The Ministry of Energy and Mines manages the development of British Columbia's mineral resources, and implements policies and programs to encourage their development while maintaining environmental integrity. In addition, the Ministry regulates and inspects the exploration and mineral production industries in B.C. to protect the workers, the public and the environment.

Contact Us 



Last updated November 28, 2006 


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