Ministry of Energy and Mines
 Energy Efficiency

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Energy Efficient Buildings
CAEE Pilot Program
Community Solutions
Energy Efficiency Act
PST Exemptions
Energy Efficiency Act

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Alternative Energy
BC Clean Electricity Guidelines
BC's Industry Structure
Electricity Policy
Energy Efficiency

Energy Efficiency:  An Introduction

bullet Information for Homeowners
bullet Information for Residential Construction Industry
bullet Information for Commercial Construction and Management Industries

Join the thousands of British Columbian homeowners and commercial building owners who are saving money on their energy bills and improving the comfort of their homes and offices.

The Ministry of Energy, Mines and Petroleum Resources’ new Energy Efficient Buildings: A Plan for B.C. benefits BC residents in the following ways:

bulletan average payback on energy efficiency investments to be realized in five years for all building types
bulletenergy cost savings of $600 - $5,800 over 15 years for each new home, over and above investment costs
bullet improved comfort and indoor air quality in our homes and businesses
bulletdecreased demand for energy which helps keep customer rates low

Healthy Home

The new Energy Efficient Buildings strategy describes new voluntary energy performance targets for new and existing buildings of all types, and heating, cooling and lighting technology.


Energy Efficiency and Community Energy Solutions 


Energy Efficient Act 

To support these energy efficiency changes, tax exemptions and rebate programs are offered by the provincial and federal governments and industry.

Provincial Sales Tax Exemptions for Energy Conservation 


Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation


Natural Resources Canada’s Office of Energy Efficiency 


Communities are also getting on board, developing energy efficiency programs for their buildings and municipal operations.


Community Action on Energy Efficiency Pilot Program (CAEE) 

For more information on Energy Efficiency,
please contact:

Alternative Energy Branch
(250) 952-0493 or (250) 952-0819

Or Enquiry B.C.
In Vancouver call: 604 660-2421
Elsewhere in B.C. call: 1 800 663-7867

Last Updated November 28, 2006


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