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How to Apply
In these pages, you will find information on how to submit an Expression of Interest to serve on the over 300 provincial boards, agencies or commissions. Once you have submitted your Expression of Interest, you will be registered in the BRDO's electronic Candidate Database.

To Register an Expression of Interest

  1. Go to the BRDO Application Site.
  2. Select your board of interest

    1. Type the name of the board that interests you in the Optional Keyword space, then click on the Search>> tab, this will prompt you to the board selection screen where you select your board of choice.
    2. To view all boards, click Search>> with the Optional Keyword space empty or click Expression of Interest on the top panel. This will prompt you to a list of agencies that you may apply for. To make a selection click on the box beside the boards and remember that a checked box will become unchecked when you go to the next 20 boards.

  3. Choosing an Application Method

    1. Choose “Full Application Form” if you are not currently registered in BRDO’s electronic Candidate Database.
    2. Choose “Use Your Application ID” if you are currently registered in BRDO’s electronic Candidate Database and have received an ID number.

  4. Proceed to “Apply Now” and complete the required information on the Expression of Interest. All mandatory fields are flagged with an asterisk (*) and must be completed on both sides.
  5. Please read the consent statement before submitting your Expression of Interest.
  6. Submit your Expression of Interest.

Once you have submitted your Expression of Interest, you will receive an ID number that will allow you to enter the site in the future and update either your personal information or the list of agencies in which you are interested.

When your Expression of Interest is entered in the BRDO Candidate Database, you will be sent an email indicating that your Expression of Interest has been received. Remember you are recommended to apply to all boards that interest you and check the BRDO site regularly for new board vacancies.

Please note: Applications that are over one year old may not be forwarded to the advertising board. If you wish to update or renew a previous expression of interest for a board to which you have previously applied, please click "Edit Application", enter your ID number, click "Modify", then click "Renew". This will put a current date on your application.

To Edit your Expression of Interest

If you have already submitted an online Expression of Interest, you may update your personal information or the agencies in which you are interested by completing the following steps.

  1. Go to the BRDO Application Site.
  2. Click the “Edit Application" tag on the top of the page.
  3. Log on to the site using your ID number and click "Modify".
  4. Type updated information then click "Modify" again.
  5. Once all information has been modified, click the "Renew" button to save the new information.

When your Expression of Interest is updated in the BRDO Candidate Database, you will be sent an email indicating that your updated information has been received.

Please note: Applications that are over one year old may not be forwarded to the advertising board. If you wish to update or renew a previous expression of interest for a board to which you have previously applied, please click "Edit Application", enter your ID number, click "Modify", then click "Renew". This will put a current date on your application.

To Register an Expression of Interest for an Advertised Vacancy

You may register an Expression of Interest for an Advertised Vacancy by completing the following steps.

  1. Go to the list of “Advertised Vacancies” and check off those positions in which you are interested.
  2. Select Application Method

    1. Choose “Full Application” if you are not currently registered in BRDO’s electronic Candidate Database.
    2. Choose “Use Your Application ID” if you are currently registered in BRDO’s electronic Candidate Database and have received an ID number. Please note: Applications that are over one year old may not be forwarded to the advertising board. If you wish to update or renew a previous expression of interest for a board to which you have previously applied, please click "Edit Application", enter your ID number, click "Modify", then click "Renew". This will put a current date on your application.

  3. Proceed to “Apply Now” and complete the required information on the Expression of Interest.
  4. Please read the consent statement before submitting your Expression of Interest.
  5. Submit your Expression of Interest.

When your Expression of Interest is entered in the BRDO Candidate Database, you will be sent an email indicating that your Expression of Interest has been received.

What Happens to Your Expression of Interest?

Your expression of Interest will be maintained in the BRDO Candidate Database and will be considered in relation to the boards in which you have specified an interest. In addition, your skills and experience may also be considered in respect of other openings for which you may be qualified. Please note that your personal information contained in the Expression of Interest may be shared with other persons involved in the appointment process.

If you are identified as a potential candidate for a specific position, you will be contacted by BRDO to discuss the position and your qualifications. You may be asked to provide further information and may be asked to complete a Candidate Profile and Declaration as part of the due diligence process.

Please regularly check and submit your Expression of Interest for Advertised Vacancies for a better chance at been reviewed for the positions.

Note that there are often more qualified candidates than vacancies; therefore, no person who applies is guaranteed an appointment.


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