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In the News
February 17, 2005
Treasury Board Review of the Governance Framework for Canada's Crown Corporations

February 15, 2005

Federal Auditor General releases report on Crown Corporation governance
December 26, 2004
Recruiter Changes Face of Boards Adobe Acrobat (PDF 149KB), The Vancouver Sun
March / April, 2004
Public-sector corporate governance: British Columbia's best-practices reforms Adobe Acrobat (PDF 79KB), IVEY Business Journal

September 22, 2003 Day 1 - Board Games - Globe and Mail series

September 23, 2003 Day 2 - Board Games - Globe and Mail series
September 24, 2003 Day 3 - Board Games - Globe and Mail series

September 25, 2003 Day 4 - Board Games - Globe and Mail series
September 26, 2003 Day 5 - Board Games - Globe and Mail series

September 10, 2003


August 25, 2003

Appointments to Public Sector Boards: the BC Initiative Adobe Acrobat (PDF 294KB)
Presentation by Elizabeth Watson, Managing Director of Board Resourcing and Development, Office of the Premier, British Columbia at the 2003 IPAC Conference

Corporate Governance Special Report - The Globe and Mail

Richard C. Breeden Report
Restoring Trust Adobe Acrobat (PDF 300KB)
Corporate Governance for The Future of MCI, Inc (August 2003)

Institute of Corporate Directors
Ten Things Boards Could Do Better Adobe Acrobat (PDF 69KB)
Adapted from Excellence in the Boardroom by Bill Dimma

Any suggestions or recommended materials can be emailed to

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