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Legislative Assembly of British Columbia

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Hansard Control RoomAbout Legislative Broadcasting

Televising, Webcasting and Podcasting

Overview of Services

Hansard Broadcasting Services began in 1991 with live, gavel-to-gavel coverage of all House proceedings in the main Legislative Chamber. Three years later, in 1994, the broadcast was enhanced by the introduction of a closed-captioning service.

Hansard Broadcasting’s webcasting service was introduced in 2003, providing a new means of access to Internet users worldwide. British Columbia’s legislative debates can now be viewed live over the Internet when the House is in session. Links to the video archives are also available, starting 15 minutes after the conclusion of each sitting.

In 2005, Hansard Broadcasting Services’ mandate was expanded to include two important new initiatives. First, cameras were installed in the main (Douglas Fir) committee room, allowing live webcasting and post-adjournment televising of all Committee of Supply debate in that room. Referred to as “Committee of Supply in Section A,” these broadcasts have expanded the access of British Columbians beyond the limits of the traditional Hansard transcript, providing a virtual window into the process of Estimates debate. Video archives of these debates are also available on-line.

Second, live (and archived) webstreamed audio of all Select Standing Committee debates held in open session is now available on the Legislative Assembly website, whether meetings occur in Victoria, Vernon or Vanderhoof.

The year 2006 saw the introduction of yet another new service: podcasting. Free podcasts of each week’s Oral Question Period are available on the Assembly’s website. Users can subscribe to a feed and receive new files automatically that can be played using any digital audio player or software-equipped computer.

British Columbia’s legislative telecasts can be received virtually anywhere in the province from the satellite to which Hansard Broadcasting Services uplinks its signal. It is made available free of charge to all cable TV companies in the province. Consult the Channel Guide and Schedule for channels and times. Legislative Television, Webcasting and Podcasting is produced by Hansard Broadcasting Services.

Robotic cameras

Six cameras are housed in specially designed enclosures, two on either side of the Chamber and two at the end facing the Speaker’s chair. A five-camera system that mirrors the camera placement in the Chamber is also in place in the Douglas Fir Committee Room.

To ensure accuracy and cost-effectiveness, these systems are designed to be as fully automated as possible. The robotic cameras are integrated with on-site microphone-selection systems. In the Chamber, for example, a Console Operator sits at a pen-operated computer tablet in a booth located in the members’ gallery, above the Chamber, and selects the microphones of individual members as they are recognized by the Chair. Each selection automatically triggers the audio computer to turn a particular mike on, adjusts the volume for the member’s voice, and signals the video computer to activate the robotic camera controls to turn two cameras to preset shot positions for that member.

Broadcast quality

Framing, focusing and light levels are all stored for automatic recall by a video computer. The video computer brings the shot that has been given priority up for preview by Broadcast Operations Technicians before going on air, and prevents any motion in an on-air camera.

When the cameras are positioned, a video computer signals a graphics computer to recall the name, party label and riding (or cabinet portfolio) of the selected member. At this stage, Technicians may either display that information, activate pre-programmed business or other text, or compose new text as required, after having made any manual camera and other adjustments that may be needed.

The debates are recorded onto a broadcast server and onto DVCAM tape, chosen for its high broadcast quality and reliability. VHS and DVD dubs are made for members and officers of the House on request, and for public viewing and archiving.