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Curriculum, Classroom Assessment, and Learning Resources
(Kindergarten to Grade 12)

  • Curriculum Development
    Curriculum in BC is written by educators and reviewed by educators, parents, and other education partners. Facilitation of this process is the responsibility of the Ministry of Education. Information regarding the most current curriculum revision and implementation schedule is available. Please note that these timelines are subject to change.

  • Provincial Curriculum
    Curriculum documents in BC are called Integrated Resource Packages (IRPs). The IRPs, most available in English and French, consist of provincially required curriculum (prescribed learning outcomes), suggested ideas for assessment, and a list of recommended learning resources (books, videos, electronic resources, etc.). Draft IRPs are also made available for public review and response.

  • Classroom Assessment
    The Ministry considers classroom assessment to play an important role in determining and improving student achievement. Classroom assessment is the process of gathering evidence of what a student knows, understands, and is able to do as a result of the day-to-day teaching and learning that takes place in BC classrooms.

  • Learning Resources
    • Grade Collections
      Grade Collections list the provincially recommended resources in English and French that match the greatest number of prescribed learning outcomes.  These recommended resources have undergone a provincial evaluation process using teacher evaluators and have Minister's Order. Grade Collections are not prescriptive; they are intended to provide advice and assistance with resource selection.

    • Provincial Learning Resource Evaluation Process
      The Continuous Submission process allows suppliers to send the Ministry information about newly developed resources as soon as they are ready.  The Ministry will then evaluate those resources with the most significant curriculum match to the prescribed learning outcomes.

    • Curriculum Correlation Forms
      These forms list the prescribed learning outcomes for each subject and grade level for the IRP, with a space for suppliers to indicate the degree to which their resource matches these learning outcomes.  The Curriculum Correlation Forms are available in both English and French.

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