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BC Employment and Assistance

Additional Assistance for British Columbians in Need

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Senior's Supplement

The Senior's Supplement is a monthly payment provided by the Province of British Columbia through the Employment and Assistance Act. The Senior’s Supplement ensures a conditionally guaranteed income level for B.C. residents receiving federal Old Age Security and Guaranteed Income supplement or federal Allowances.

If the income level of an eligible senior’s total income falls below the level guaranteed by the province, the supplement is provided to make up the difference. The maximum monthly supplement will be $49.30 for single seniors and $120.50 for senior couples and is paid automatically to eligible recipients. Seniors do not have to apply.

Please see our Questions & Answers page for additional information.

A Senior’s Supplement call centre will be operational in early October 2005. Until that time, questions may be directed toward the Senior's Supplement Line in Victoria:  (250) 387-3743 or toll-free at

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Bus Pass

An annual pass for public transit systems is available to assist low-income seniors or persons with disabilities to participate more fully in their communities. Applicants must apply each year.

Annual bus passes may be purchased by people:

  • who are receiving the federal Old Age Security (OAS), and either the Guaranteed Income Supplement (GIS) or Spouse's Allowance;
  • who are Immigrants to Canada, who would otherwise qualify for the federal Old Age Security (OAS), and either the Guaranteed Income Supplement (GIS) or Spouse's Allowance and are only ineligible for those benefits because they have not resided in Canada for 10 years; or
  • who are age 60 to 64 and receiving BC Employment and Assistance; or
  • who are receiving disability assistance under BC Employment and Assistance for Persons with Disabilities.

The cost of the bus pass is $45 per calendar year or portion thereof.

Applications for the next calendar year are mailed during the month of October of the current year to individuals who hold a valid pass at the time. Applicants should mail the application and their payment promptly or take the application to their bank and make the payment. The following year’s passes are mailed in mid-December.

For more information call:

1-866-866-0800   (press 4 then 3)

or write to:

BC Bus Pass Program
Ministry of Employment and Income Assistance
PO Box 9430 Stn Prov Govt
Victoria BC V8W 9V2

BC Transit Internet site: http://www.transitbc.com/

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Special Transportation Subsidy (STS)

Special Transportation Subsidy (STS) is provided to recipients of disability assistance who live in areas where the Bus Pass program is available, but are unable to use public transportation due to their disability or because it would make their disability worse.

To qualify for the STS, people must:

  • be in receipt of a disability allowance under the Employment and Assistance for Persons with Disabilities Act;
  • reside in an area where the Bus Pass program is available;
  • provide certification from a physician verifying:
    • that they are unable to use the Bus Pass program or any other form of subsidized public transportation service (such as handyDART and Taxi Savers) due to their disability, or, that their disability would be aggravated by using public transportation; and
    • the alternative form of transportation required to accommodate the disability (examples: operating a personal vehicle or paying others for transportation)

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BC Family Bonus

The BC Family Bonus is a program administered by the Ministry of Provincial Revenue that provides a tax-free payment to moderate-income families with dependent children.

The BC Family Bonus makes it easier for families with children to leave and stay off income assistance because they can continue to receive the bonus for their children while working or going to school.

Families receive the BCFB as part of a payment called the Canada Child Tax Benefit (CCTB). Also included in this payment are the federal Child Tax Benefit, the National Child Benefit Supplement (NCBS) and the BC Earned Income Benefit (BCEIB).

The CCTB payment is calculated on the previous year's income tax return, so it is important that all families, including BC Employment and Assistance clients remember to file their returns on time. Clients should also know that lump sum CCTB payments do affect eligibility for income assistance.

Clients can receive the CCTB through either the mail or electronic deposits to their bank accounts.

Go to: Schedule of CCTB Payment Dates (Gov't of Canada)

For more information on the CCTB, or any of the individual payments, please contact Canada Custom and Revenue Agency at 1 800 387-1193.

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Healthy Kids

The Healthy Kids Program helps low income families with the costs associated with basic dental care and prescription eyewear for their children. Dependent children under 19 years of age, in families receiving any level of Medical Services Plan (MSP) premium assistance through the Ministry of Health, are eligible for the Healthy Kids Program.

More information on the Healthy Kids Program

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Community Assistance Program

The Community Assistance Program (CAP) helps community groups in urban centres provide services to people who experience multiple barriers to independence. Service can also provide more support for those who wish to participate in pre-employment and employment training programs.

Services supported through this fund are targeted to people with multiple barriers, including:

  • persons with a diagnosed mental illness;
  • persons with an identified substance abuse problem;
  • persons with less than grade 10 who have an identified problem with basic literacy;
  • any age group where high unemployment exists; and
  • homeless persons.

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Hostels and Shelters

The Ministry of Employment and Income Assistance teams with community partners to add emergency shelter beds and improve co-ordination of shelter services to homeless people year round in cold and wet weather.

See fact sheets for more information.

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Page updated: 2005 Sept 14

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