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Road Sense Tips

Safe driving tips

Each of us likes to think that car crashes are something that happens to the "other guy," not us.

In reality, of course, we all face a certain amount of risk every time we get in our cars. And that risk is significant. There were approximately 267,000 crash incidents reported to ICBC in 2006. Included in those numbers were 78,000 injured victims.

Fortunately, we can improve our odds of avoiding a crash. As drivers, much is within our individual control.

To help you stay out of trouble, we've prepared a number of safe driving tips. Some of these apply year-round (such as using the 2-second rule to keep a safe distance behind the car in front.) Others are seasonal. We tell you how to shop for snow tires or steer your way out of a skid, for example.

Cyclists too can do their share by observing the rules of the road and making safety their top priority. Remember to stop and look in all directions before cycling out of an intersection, driveway or lane. (The majority of children's cycling crashes are caused by the child riding out onto a roadway without
looking.) And always wear a bicycle helmet — it's the law in B.C.

See our Bicycle Safety for Children fact sheet for more safe-driving tips.

So please, use your RoadSense. Read these safe driving tips and start putting them into everyday use.