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Resident Event
Special Education Technology in B.C.
A Provincial Resource Program providing assistance to schools in meeting the technology needs of student with disabilities

Service Quality Advocate
Assistance for adults with developmental disabilities and their families to obtain good quality services from provincial and community agencies

Employment Program for Persons with Disabilities
Provides services, tools and supports that address the distinct needs of persons with disabilities who want to volunteer or work either full-time, part-time, or be self-employed.

Income Assistance and Disability Assistance Rates
B.C. Employment and Assistance assists people into sustainable employment and provides income support to those in need.

Income Assistance and Disability Assistance Rates
B.C. Employment and Assistance assists people into sustainable employment and provides income support to those in need.

Information for Persons with Disabilities
Programs and services to assist persons with disabilities to achieve greater independence, while ensuring that those who are unable to work are provided with the assistance they need.

Students with Disabilities in Public Post-Secondary Institutions
A resource directory of programs and services providing information for potential students and their counsellors, families and referral agencies.

Disability WebLinks
A federal, provincial and territory joint undertaking listing disability services throughout Canada.

Resident Topics
Experiencing B.C.
Getting Around in B.C.
Life Long Learning
Living with a Disability
Owning/Renting a Home
Staying Healthy and Safe
Taking Care of Your Family
Working in B.C.
Resident FAQs
How can I get information about services for K-12 students with special needs?
What are the current rates for disability benefits?
What services are available for people with disabilities looking for work?
Where can I find services for post-secondary students who have a disability?

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