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Business Event
B.C. Progress Board
Provide advice to the Premier on ways to improve our province's economic performance and prosperity

First Citizens Fund
The First Citizens Fund enhances cultural, educational and economic development opportunities for Aboriginal citizens in B.C.

Front Counter BC
Front Counter BC is a single window service for clients of provincial natural resource ministries and agencies. At the Kamloops centre, natural resource clients obtain all the information and authorizations they need to start or expand a business.

Agricultural Land Commission
Provincial Agricultural Land Commission: Forest Land Reserve, Agricultural Land Reserve, Private Land Forest Practices information, contacts, and forms.

Community Forest Pilot Project
The community forest tenure is designed to increase the direct participation of communities and First Nations in the management of local forests.

2010 Commerce Centre

Business Topics
Doing Business with Government
Exploring Economic Development
Licensing and Registration
Managing a Business
Starting a Business
Business FAQs
What funding is available for the film industry in B.C.?

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