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Advocate for Service Quality Ministry of Children & Family Development
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Advocate for Service Quality

The Advocate is a person working for Adults with Developmental Disabilities. There is no cost to you for the Advocate's services.

Who is the Advocate for Service Quality?

The Advocate for Service Quality is Jane Holland. She was appointed by, and reports to, the Minister. She does not work directly for the government.

What does the Advocate do?

Jane's job is to help adults with developmental disabilities and their families get good quality services. She can help with services from the Ministry of Children and Family Development, from other ministries, or from service agencies in the community.

When should I call Jane?

If you have a problem with services you can contact Jane to talk it over. She will try to do something about it. She also encourages and helps adults to advocate for themselves.

For example, Jane will try to help:

  • if you do not like the services you are getting
  • if you think you are not treated fairly or with respect
  • if you have problems with your social worker, financial aid worker, or support worker, or
  • if you have problems with where you live.

How do I contact Jane?

Fax: (604) 660-1505
In Vancouver phone: (604) 775-1238

If you live outside Vancouver, call Enquiry BC and ask them to transfer you to Jane Holland's office at (604) 775-1238

Victoria residents call Enquiry BC at (250) 387-6121
Elsewhere in B.C. call Enquiry BC at 1-800-663-7867

Mailing Address:

Office of the Advocate for Service Quality
Suite 820 - 999 West Broadway
Vancouver, BC
V5Z 1K5

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