Applying for BC Employment and Assistance
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Employment Program
for Persons with Disabilities

The provincial government is committed to improving opportunities for persons with disabilities and focussing resources on those who need them most.

The Employment Program for Persons with Disabilities provides persons with disabilities access to a full range of services, tools and supports that address the distinct needs of persons with disabilities.

This program recognizes that individuals experience disabilities in varying degrees, at different stages of their lives and that their needs may also change over time.

The Employment Program for Persons with Disabilities provides flexibility to individuals with disabilities who want to volunteer or work either full-time, part-time, or be self-employed.

The Employment Program for Persons with Disabilities services include:

The Employment Program for Persons with Disabilities services are available to both BC Employment and Assistance (BCEA) and non BCEA clients.

Pre-Employment Services

Pre-Employment Services are for persons with disabilities who may have little or no employment experience. The ministry recognizes that not all persons with disabilities are able to work and some individuals may require more support before moving toward their employment independence goals.

Pre-Employment Services offer a supportive environment for persons with disabilities to build self-confidence and motivation. It is a voluntary program that will help those who want to participate in employment or employment-related activities. These activities could include full-time, part-time or voluntary employment.

This service provides help with job-related skills such as:

  • Basic computer skills;
  • Decision making skills; and,
  • Interview preparation.

Planning and Employment Services

Planning and Employment Services assist persons with disabilities to achieve greater independence and to participate in the workplace to the best of their ability.

To identify a person's specific needs and abilities, the ministry provides Planning Services as a first step. Planning services assist persons with disabilities in assessing their goals, strengths and necessary employment supports for participating in the workplace. Individuals then may develop a client service plan which identifies their specific goals and actions for participating in employment or employment-related activities.

Employment Services may include assisted job search, job coaching, job placement, follow-up services and employment crisis services for those who are already employed. These services may also include access to employment-related training that is provided to people on the job, at school or through in-house training.

Disability supports will be provided to ensure that persons with disabilities can readily access supports to successfully participate and succeed in Employment Program for Persons with Disabilities services and employment.

Self-Employment Services

For those persons with disabilities who have an entrepreneurial flair, the Ministry of Employment and Income Assistance offers a full range of services to assist individuals in setting up and running their own business.

These services will assist individuals to assess their ability to run their own business, identify financing options, and ensure that the business can succeed and grow.

Disability Supports for Employment

Many barriers still exist that restrict persons with disabilities' access to employment. The ministry provides employment-related disability supports to individuals who are eligible for the Employment Program for Persons with Disabilities and who are actively engaged in employment or employment-related activities.

Disability supports are goods and services required for training and employment activities including, but not limited to:

  • interpreter services for the deaf;
  • transportation (including vehicle modifications);
  • workplace modifications;
  • work-site attendant services;
  • readers and note takers; and
  • job coaching.

Assistive Technology

Assistive Technology is a Disability Support that includes computerized reading and writing systems, speech recognition systems, electronic magnification systems, assistive listening and communication systems, and alternate input and output devices that are required for clients to engage in employment and employment-related activities.

Assistive Technology does not include personal assistive devices such as prescription eyewear, wheelchairs, and hearing aids or environmental adaptation devices such as electronic or mechanical ramps and lifts, lighting systems and ergonomic furniture.

For More Information

Contact your Employment and Income Assistance Office by calling Service BC at:

  • In Victoria: 250 387-6121
  • Vancouver: 604 660-2421
  • Elsewhere in British Columbia: 1 800 663-7867

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Page updated: 2005 Sept 14

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