Aboriginal Education

A key goal of the Ministry of Advanced Education is to increase participation and success for Aboriginal learners in the post-secondary system. Since 2001, the Ministry of Advanced Education has provided about $7.8 million to fund 150 Aboriginal special projects, which more than 3,400 Aboriginal learners have benefited from.

Many post-secondary institutions also include and deliver Aboriginal-focused programs as part of their regular course content. This helps ensure relevant, high-quality education programs for Aboriginal learners in a wide range of areas including social work, Aboriginal language, justice and the law, community economic development, fine arts (including film and television), tourism, land management, math and science, early childhood education and adult basic education.

This website provides links to a broad range of information, advice and resources to help Aboriginal students and educators.

Most public post-secondary institutions have an Aboriginal coordinator to help Aboriginal learners. If you know the institution where you want to study, you can go directly to that link from the list provided.

If you are looking for more general information, a good starting place is the First Nations Coordinators Handbook, where you will find some 70 links to Aboriginal organizations, federal and provincial government resources, service programs at public post-secondary institutions, bursaries and scholarships and much more.

Related Documents

For further information, contact:

Jacqueline Dennis-Orr, Aboriginal Coordinator/Education Officer
Learning Programs Branch
Ministry of Advanced Education
PO Box 9894 Stn Prov Govt
1st floor - 835 Humboldt St
Victoria BC V8W 9T6
Phone: (250) 387-2043
Fax: (250) 387-0878
E-mail: Jacqueline.DennisOrr@gov.bc.ca