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Resident Event
Healthy Kids
Program that extends basic dental and vision care to children in low- and moderate-income families.

Tobacco Strategy
Facts about B.C.'s Strategy to protect kids from tobacco

Internet Safety
Web safety advice and recommendations for parents and children

Pharmacare Benefit Plans
Details and descriptions of the various plans

Immunization and Your Child
Information on B.C.'s immunization program.

B.C. HealthGuide
Information on common health topics, tests, procedures and other resources.

Seniors' Guide
The Seniors' Guide lists programs and services by popular topics such as health services, housing, recreation and finance.

Medical Services Plan
Information for MSP Beneficiaries.

Workers' Compensation Board Claims
Initiating an injury claim with WCB

Surgical Wait List
Explains wait lists and provides access to data on wait times by surgical category, by hospital and by physician

Women's Services
This Website provides links to programs, services and resources for women and women at risk.

Poison Control Centre

Water Management
Water resource information

Child and Youth Mental Health
Child and youth mental health services are offered throughout British Columbia by the Ministry for Children and Family Development.

Women's Services Directory
The Women's Services Directory provides links to B.C. government services including links to business advisory services, First Nations resources for aboriginal women, parenting and family, health and violence and justice services.

Emergency First Aid

Health Authorities
Regional health authorities information and profiles.

Mental Health Information Line
B.C.'s toll-free information line on mental health issues.

Resident Topics
Experiencing B.C.
Getting Around in B.C.
Life Long Learning
Living with a Disability
Owning/Renting a Home
Staying Healthy and Safe
Taking Care of Your Family
Working in B.C.
Resident FAQs
How do I contact toll-free health information lines?
How do I find the Healthy Kids Program?
How do I pay my MSP premiums?
How do I submit a claim for Worker's Compensation?

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