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Resident Event
Vital Statistics - Birth, Death, Marriage, Name Change
Online applications for registering a birth, marrige, death, name change and more.

B.C. Family Bonus
Family Bonus Program and Canada Child Tax Benefit Program information and forms for low and modest income working families.

Income Assistance - BC Employment and Assistance
BC Employment and Assistance assists people into sustainable employment and provides income support to those in need.

Women's Services
This Website provides links to programs, services and resources for women and women at risk.

Foster Care
Foster care handbook, standards, publications, guardianship and child protection resources.

Family Law
Gain an understanding of family law issues related to separation and divorce.

Women's Services Directory
The Women's Services Directory provides links to B.C. government services including links to business advisory services, First Nations resources for aboriginal women, parenting and family, health and violence and justice services.

Adopt a Child
Information on adopting a child in B.C.

Wills Registry
File a Wills Notice, indicating the person who has made the will, where the will is located,and the date of the will.

Resident Topics
Experiencing B.C.
Getting Around in B.C.
Life Long Learning
Living with a Disability
Owning/Renting a Home
Staying Healthy and Safe
Taking Care of Your Family
Working in B.C.
Resident FAQs
How do I change my name?
How do I find child care services?
How do I find community living resources?
How do I request congratulatory messages?
Where can I find services for women?

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