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Multiculturalism Week: February 12 to 18, 2006

Multiculturalism Week — the third week in February each year — is when British Columbians come together to experience and learn about the true nature of our diverse society.

During Multiculturalism Week people all across the province, in all walks of life, share and promote the wide variety of cultural traditions, customs and heritage of our neighbours, co-workers, family and friends. While it is a time of celebration, it also offers opportunities to raise awareness of the challenges, and to confront the attitudes that prevent British Columbians from creating the vibrant and prosperous province that we want to build.
Dialogue in Kamloops

To celebrate Multiculturalism Week 2006, the Kamloops Immigrant Services Society sponsored The Business Case for Multiculturalism: The Future is Now; with support from the Simon Fraser University Dialogue Programs and the B.C. Ministry of Attorney General, Settlement and Multiculturalism Division. The event attracted over 40 community and business leaders, including community leader and philanthropist Milton Wong as keynote speaker. Kamloops serves as a pilot site to test whether the dialogue format is effective in increasing local engagement on multiculturalism issues in smaller communities in British Columbia.

(left to right) Dialogue participants:  Meharoona Ghani, Dr. Ashok Mathur, Kim Agar-Ewen, Lloyd Loveday, Bill Walters, Milton Wong and Dr. Joanna Ashworth.





October 25, 2006

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