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Ministry of Advanced Education

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BCSAP Information for Students

BCSAP was created to help eligible students with the costs of post-secondary studies at colleges, universities, university colleges, institutes and private training institutions. It is a needs-based program, which exists to supplement, not replace, funds available to students through work, savings/assets and family resources/income. A basic principle of BCSAP is that the primary responsibility for the funding of post-secondary education rests with students and their immediate families.

To learn more, choose a topic from the menu on the right. If you prefer, you can get the BCSAP Student Guide in PDF format.

We also have programs for:

More about BCSAP

The British Columbia Student Assistance Program is a joint program between the federal and provincial government.

The application form for BCSAP is a one-stop process to apply for two kinds of funding: loans and grants. These include:



When you complete the application form, the Student Services Branch will determine your eligibility for assistance from each of these funding programs.

Youth Community Action

Effective March 31, 2002 students will no longer be able to earn new credits. If you have tuition credits that have not been used, visit the Youth Community Action site for more information.


If I'm approved for funding
If I'm NOT approved for funding
While I'm attending school
After I'm finished school

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