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Public Safety Programs Index
Avalanche Safety
Avalanche safety information: how to protect yourself from the dangers of avalanches, obtaining highways information, backcountry avalanche information etc.
Child Abuse Prevention
Find out how you can prevent child abuse in your community. Includes sections on parent and family development, Aboriginal communities, teens, community resources, skills development and more.
Crime Prevention Association of BC
BC Crime Prevention membership application form and subscription to newsletter.
Criminal Records Review Program
Information and schedules (forms) for criminal record reviews required by the Criminal Records Review Act.
Crisis Lines and Transition Houses
Getting help when violence happens. For your community see the listings on the inside front cover of the TELUS (BCTel) phone book. Gives toll-free #1-800-563-0808 for information on victim services. Hearing impaired access TTY-711.
Disaster Response Routes
Identified routes that must be left open for emegency vehicles in the event of a disaster.
Emergency Social Services - Emergency Response Program
The provision of services to preserve the well being of people who have been affected by an emergency or disaster by providing support in the planning and preparation of the local authority emergency response plans.
Homeowner Protection Office: Publications and Forms
Strengthens consumer protection for buyers of new homes, research and education toimprove quality of residential construction in B.C. Administers no-interest repair loan program and PST Relief Grant for owners of leaky homes.
Internet Safety
Web safety advice and recommendations for parents and children
Protection Order Registry
A confidential database containing all civil and criminal protection orders issued in British Columbia.
Safety Standards Appeal Board
Safety: Being Stalked
Suggestions and resources for increasing your safety if you are being stalked, threatened or intimidated.
Safety: Protecting Yourself from Home Invasion
Improve the safety of your home and neighbourhood.
Safety: Women at Work
Reduce the risk of violence in the workplace: safety awareness training, basic safety devices, safety programs.
Transition Houses and Safe Homes
Provides temporary housing for women and their children leaving abusive relationships. Second-stage houses help women make long-term plans for independent living.
Victim Services Programs
Community-based or Police-based programs which provide emotional support, information, referrals and assistance with the justice system. Community-based victim services specialize in issues of sexual and family violence.
Wildlife: Cougar Safety Tips
Safety Guide to Cougars: track recognition, tips for home, hiking, safe -guarding children and working in cougar country.
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