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Healthy Living Topics
A comprehensive list of online resources

Health Education Index
Achieve BC
Achieve BC brings together the latest educational tools and information for promoting learning and achievement in early childhood, grade school, post-secondary education, and the world of work.
Chronic Disease Management for Patients
Information for patients with chronic diseases such as diabetes.
Chronic Disease Management for Practitioners
Information for practitioners who have patients with chronic diseases such as diabetes.
Health and Safety Publications regarding backs and back belts, wrist braces, PC mouse and computer workstation information.
FOODSAFE training program for safe food handling procedures, worker health and safety information.
Information on HIV/AIDS, and services available.
Health File - E. coli
Avoid "hamburger" disease caused by the E. coli bacteria.
Health Files
Fact sheets about a wide range of public and environmental health and safety issues.
Health Files: Home Canning Safety Tips
Advice on home canning - how to avoid botulism.
Immunization and Your Child
Information on B.C.'s immunization program.
Seniors' Guide
The Seniors' Guide lists programs and services by popular topics such as health services, housing, recreation and finance.
Tobacco Facts
B.C. youth tobacco attack team.
Tobacco Ingredients
British Columbia tobacco testing and disclosure.
Women's Services
This Website provides links to programs, services and resources for women and women at risk.
Women's Services Directory
The Women's Services Directory provides links to B.C. government services including links to business advisory services, First Nations resources for aboriginal women, parenting and family, health and violence and justice services.
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