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Welcome to BC Timber Sales

BC Timber Sales is an independent organization within the B.C. Ministry of Forests created to develop Crown timber for auction to establish market price and capture the value of the asset for the public. The vision of BC Timber Sales is to be “An effective timber marketer generating wealth through sustainable resource management”.

BC Timber Sales has 12 business areas and an operational presence in 33 locations across the province, and is a key component of government's plan to revitalize the B.C. forest economy. The organization currently manages 13 percent of the provincial allowable annual cut, with its share increasing to approximately 20 percent or 16 million cubic metres in the 2006/07 fiscal year, following the conclusion of the timber reallocation initiative. Details of its planned goals, objectives, strategies, outputs and resources for the next three years are provided in the BC Timber Sales Service Plan.

This site provides a variety of general information about BC Timber Sales as well as access to documents, forms and other materials that will assist clients and program registrants in doing business with the organization.

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