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Forest and Range Practices Act – FRPA

The Forest and Range Practices Act and its regulations govern the activities of forest and range licensees in B.C. The statute sets the requirements for planning, road building, logging, reforestation, and grazing.

FRPA maintains high levels of protection for forest values including watersheds and wildlife habitat, and creates efficiencies for both government and industry through streamlined planning processes.

FRPA encourages innovation by skilled resource professionals and holds industry responsible for outcomes. Combined with rigorous 

compliance and enforcement, the Act and regulations will contribute to high quality forest management and sustainable environmental values for future generations.

FRPA and its regulations took effect on Jan. 31, 2004. Any activities already approved under the existing Forest Practices Code may continue and are governed by the Forest Practices Code of British Columbia Act and its regulations. After the transition period ends, a licensee may only submit an operational plan under FRPA. Once the plan is approved, the licensee will operate under FRPA.

New! Be Heard: Get Involved in Forest Stewardship Review – learn more about how the public may participate in the preparation and review of Forest Stewardship Plans under FRPA
