Ministry of ForestsGovernment of British Columbia
Ministry of Forests
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The ministry provides email notification services. Use this page to subscribe, or un-subscribe, to the topic(s) of interest to you.

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Subscriptions Available

  What's New Monthly summary of news releases and changes to legislation, regulations, policy, and guidebooks.
RSS Feeds MOF News Releases Receive email copies of MOF news releases as soon as they are posted.
  Timber Sales Weekly notices of Timber Sales. Click on the link, then click on the Subscriptions tab, then select Timber Sales from the list.
  Official Notices Daily, weekly, or monthly statutory notices including Timber Sales. Click the link then click the Subscriptions tab, select the list you wish to subscribe to.
RSS Feeds Application Bulletins Immediate email notification regarding MOF computer applications, systems and networks about planned and un-planned service interruptions, bug alerts, service upgrades, documentation updates and and other information of interest.
  Timber Supply Review Email notices of newly released timber supply documents, including AAC releases.
  Forests for Tomorrow Important updates regarding the Forests for Tomorrow website including reports, publications and any other notices.
  Vegetation Resources Inventory Vegetation Resources Inventory (VRI), National Forest Inventory (NFI), Vegetation Cover Update Group (VCU), Inventory Projection (IP) Releases.
  Electronic Submission Framework - ESF Email notices regarding updates to ESF
  Software Registration & Download Monthly email newsletter of notices of new software products, updates, bug alerts, and related information about Ministry of Forests software.
  Gypsy Moth Information Email notices regarding Gypsy Moth aerial spraying and other related information.
  Seed Information Email notices regarding SPAR, SeedMap, Chief Forester's Standards for Seed Use and general seedlot / vegetative lot information.
  Forest Science Program Email notices of new Forest Science Program (FSP) publications or upcoming events.

How to Subscribe or Unsubscribe

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