ECAS Project Logo


Application News

December 2006

- The Call Grade/Net Factor/Loss Factor (CGNF) Dual Cruise Grade Table is now available, see the link to the left under "Application News"

October 2006

- Refer to What's New V.2.07.03 for more information.

ECAS Success

A heartfelt thanks to all the participants who worked on the ECAS Project. Please click here view a list of all the individuals.

ECAS Overview

The Electronic Commerce Appraisals System (ECAS) has been developed to replace the paper driven process of submitting appraisal data to the Ministry of Forests. Just as there are two distinct appraisal manuals and policy, ECAS is divided into Coast and Interior tracks. As these manuals are amended periodically, ECAS will be changed to collect the appropriate data. The system is designed to operate over the Internet to take advantage of the speed of electronic communication. More detailed technical information may be found by following the link to the ECAS technical documentation. Comments are welcomed and may be submitted via the email link by clicking the Feedback link at the bottom of the application screen. Technical questions or problems encountered may be submitted through the Help desk link.

For all enquiries, plase contact the ECAS Help Desk
Phone tollfree: 1-877-356-7666

Project Manager:
Sabina Ghazarian, RPF
Timber Pricing Forester, Systems
Revenue Branch
Phone: (250) 387-8380 E-mail:


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