Forms Section


    The hours for filing any forms, applications or other documents with the Board are from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Monday to Friday, excluding statutory holidays. All material filed after these hours will be treated as if received at 8:00 a.m. on the next business day, unless special arrangements have been made in advance with the Registrar, Deputy Registrar or Case Administrators (Labour Relations Board Rule 5(5)). The Board's telephone lines will remain open from 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday to Friday, excluding statutory holidays. Where an extension is granted, the party receiving the extension should immediately take steps to inform the other parties.

    LRB Forms Notice

    The following forms have been prepared by the British Columbia Labour Relations Board as a convenience to the labour relations community. Printed forms will remain available as before from the Board's office.

    These files are not to be altered or changed by any person other than Board personnel. Any applications filed on an amended or changed form may not be in compliance with the Rules.

    All files are designed for use with Word or Adobe PDF. It is important that you rely upon your own organization's expertise and/or knowledge of the Word for Windows keyboard merge program as the Board does not have the resource or expertise to provide telephone or other support for computer programs or files.

    Although the forms are available through the Internet, the Board will not accept applications/complaints through electronic e-mail. All applications/complaints must provide the costs as set out in the Labour Relations Board Fees Regulation B.C. Reg. 395/2003. 

    Posted Labour Relations Board Forms

    Explanation of Labour Relations Board Fees.
    Please make applicable cheques payable to "LRB c/o Minister of Finance".

    Unfair Labour Practice Complaint (Sections 5(2) and 6(3)(a), (b) or (c))   
    PDF / Word DOC
    Duty of Fair Representation Complaint (Section 12(1)) PDF / Word DOC
    Application For Redirection of Union Dues for Religious Reasons (Section 17)
    PDF / Word DOC
    Application for Certification (Section 18) PDF / Word DOC
    Employee Application for Decertification (Revocation of Bargaining Rights) (Section 33 or 34)

    PDF / Word DOC

    Employee Application For Partial Decertification (Section 142)

    PDF / Word DOC

    Application for Employer Successorship (Sections 35 and 36) PDF / Word DOC
    Application for Union Successorship (Section 37) PDF / Word DOC
    Application for Common Employer Declaration (Section 38) PDF / Word DOC
    Application for Accreditation (Section 43) PDF / Word DOC
    Application for a Mediator (Sections 55 and 74) PDF / Word DOC
    Application for the Designation of Essential Services (Section 72) PDF / Word DOC
    Application for the Board to Conduct a Last Offer Vote (Section 78) PDF / Word DOC
    Summons Before the B.C. Labour Relations Board PDF / Word DOC
    Statement of Trusteeship Over Local Union (Section 150(1))
    PDF / Word DOC
    Return of Poll (Strike or Lockout Vote) PDF FORMAT ONLY

    Posted Collective Agreement Arbitration Bureau Forms

     Appointment of an Arbitrator (Section 86)
    PDF / Word DOC
     Appointment of a Settlement Officer (Section 87) PDF/ Word DOC
    Expedited Arbitration (Section 104)
    PDF/ Word DOC
     Mediation/Arbitration (Section 105) PDF/ Word DOC

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