Government of British Columbia Ministry of Provincial Revenue
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BC Family Bonus

The BC Family Bonus program includes the basic Family Bonus and the BC Earned Income Benefit. This program provides non-taxable monthly payments to help low and modest income families with the cost of raising children under age 18. Benefits are combined with the Canada Child Tax Benefit (CCTB) into a single monthly payment.

There is no need to apply separately to get payments under the BC Family Bonus. We will use the information from your CCTB application to determine your eligibility for the program.

File your tax return - you (and your spouse or common-law partner) should file your tax return(s) as soon as possible. The information you give on your return(s) will determine how much you will get starting in July of the year following the tax year.

Basic Family Bonus

The Basic Family Bonus provides a benefit of up to $111 per child per month when combined with the National Child Benefit Supplement. Benefits are calculated based on the number of children in the family and the family's net income.

BC Earned Income Benefit

Families whose earned income is more than $3,750 may also be entitled to the BC Earned Income Benefit. The maximum monthly benefit a family may receive is dependent on the number of eligible children in the family and the family's net income.

For more information on determining your total monthly payment (combined federal and provincial amount), see the Canada Revenue Agency's Child and Family Benefits Online Calculator.

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