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Environmental Management Topics
A comprehensive list of online resources

Water Index
Aquifers in BC (Maps and Classification Database)
Planning, management and protection of B.C. groundwater information.
Drinking Water Program
The Drinking Water Program provides expert advice to Health Authorities, and develops legislation, guidelines and policies on drinking water.
Government Water Resource Information Links Web Page
A comprehensive, one-stop list of water-related subject areas and the links to the various provincial agencies that have responsibilities for water management and water protection.
Land Information BC
A single window to the province’s land and resource information, products and electronic services for business, academia, governments and the public.
Municipal Sewage Treatment
The province under its environmental regulations has enacted rules for treating municipal sewage, reusing highly-treated sewage effluent and disposing of effluent that cannot be reused. The regulation strengthens environmental standards to ensure protection of fish habitat, water supplies and recreational use of water.
River and Lake Hydrometric Data
Streams and lakes realtime and historic hydrometric data including air temperature, precipitation, discharge, water levels.
Safe Drinking Water Action Plan
Action plan to protect drinking water from source to tap by improving standards for monitoring, treatment, reporting and accountability to the public.
Water Quality Reports & Technical Guidelines
A collection of documents related to water quality data and objectives.
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