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Statutes Laws and Regulations Index
B.C. First Nations
Directory of First Nations participating in the B.C. Treaty Commission process.
B.C. Gazette
B.C. Gazette Publishing Guidelines: Notices to Creditors; Name Changes; Notices of Incorporations; or Public Tenders instructions and search capability.
Charitable Gaming
Child Support Guidelines
What parents need to know about the 1997 federal child support guidelines.
Elections BC Financial Reports and Forms
Elections BC topics instructions and forms such as Party registration, initiative financing, and leadership contesting.
Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy
Freedom of Information Act searches and decisions rendered.
Freshwater Fisheries Regulations
Freshwater Fisheries Regulations synopsis for anglers.
Labour Relations Board
Labour Relations Board forms.
Legal Services Society
Provides legal aid and education services to the public.
Political Party Registration
Political party registration information and forms.
Publications Index
A searchable index of government publications and forms
Revised Statutes and Consolidated Regulations of British Columbia
The complete alphabetical listing of British Columbia Statutes with associated Regulations and related links.
Statutes and Regulations
Queen's Printer guide to online legislation
Trustee Fee Schedule
Public Guardian and Trustee Fees Regulation document outlining the Duty or Service, Fee, By Whom Payable and When Payable.
Vehicle Emissions
Vehicle emission regulations, reports, fuel studies etc.
Workers' Compensation Board Claims
Initiating an injury claim with WCB
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