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Modernization Strategy

Building Policy Branch

The Building Policy Branch (BPB) is responsible for the British Columbia Building Code and the British Columbia Fire Code. Core activities of the Building Policy Branch include:

  • Governance of aspects of the building regulatory system framework
  • Stewardship of the development and application of the Building Code

In carrying out these activities, the Branch:

Where to get the 2006 Codes
  • develops and administers government policy and legislation;
  • communicates policies/regulations;
  • serves as a portal for and custodian of the BC Building Code, protocols and policies;
  • acts as secretariat to the Building Code Appeal Board, the Province's building code interpretation and application dispute resolution board; and
  • initiates, facilitates and provides support towards a new governance framework for the building regulatory system, including system analysis, logistical support and collaboration with industry partners.


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