Ministry of Health ServicesGoverment of British Columbia
Rural Health
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  Rural Health

Rural and remote regions of the province are faced with service delivery challenges that differ markedly from those in urban areas. Access to rural health care services is affected by a variety of factors such as topography, weather, transportation, and the sparse distribution of rural citizens over vast regions. The distribution of rural health care professionals also has a major impact on the delivery of, and access to rural health care services.

As part of the Ministry of Health, Rural Health is dedicated to providing leadership and support for collaborative initiatives in rural health development. The Rural Health office works with regional health authorities and other partners to address issues, develop policy and programs, and improve access to health services in rural areas of the province.

Responsibilities of the Rural Health office include:

  • Leading and participating in the development and implementation of policies to enhance the delivery of health services.
  • Providing leadership to improve availability of rural health services, including local access and transportation.
  • Serving as a central clearinghouse for information on rural health issues.
  • Participating in a collaborative effort with health care providers, educational institutions, and private partners to develop and implement a rural and remote health initiative for the delivery of health services in rural communities.
Last Revised: July 21, 2005
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