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Ministry of Advanced Education

Students with Permanent Disabilities

If you are a student with a documented permanent disability, who is now studying, or plans on studying, at a post secondary institution the following programs may be of interest to you:

For students who do not have medical information to document their permanent disability, a Verification of Permanent Disability form may be used as supporting documentation to a BCSAP application.

Definition of a Permanent Disability

The definition of a permanent disability for the Assistance Program for Students with Permanent Disabilities (APSD) and the Canada Study Grant for the Accommmodation of Students with Permanent Disabilities (CSG for SWPD) is "a functional limitation caused by a physical or mental impairment that restricts the ability of a person to perform the daily activities necessary to participate in studies at a post-secondary level and is expected to remain with the person for the person's expected natural life."


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