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I am pleased to welcome you to the Board of Parole for the Province of British Columbia. We believe that community safety is best served through the managed return of appropriate offenders to their communities through the parole process. Our goal is to afford offenders the opportunity to become law-abiding citizens with the support of justice staff and programs. Successful integration of the offender into the community affords the greatest assurance of safety for the community.

I am proud that our Board truly reflects the diversity of British Columbia. Candidates, appointed by Cabinet on merit, are selected for their demonstrated leadership, their willingness to serve their communities, their decision-making ability and their sensitivity to the competing interests inherent in conditional release decision-making.

In keeping with restorative justice, we strive to involve offenders, victims and the interested community in a resolution of the harm that has been done. The Board welcomes victims to attend hearings, not merely as observers but as integral contributors to the hearing.

This site was created to provide information for the public, victims of crime and offenders’ families. It is our hope that users of this site will find the information that they need to understand the parole process and to make informed decisions about participating in the parole process as an offender assistant or as a victim participant.

Tracey Thompson, Chair
Board of Parole for the Province of British Columbia

Tracey Thompson, Chair

Ms. Thompson has been a resident of BC since 1989. Her work experience includes policing as an RCMP Officer, Head of Security for the University of Northern BC, Instructor and Program Coordinator for the College of New Calendonia and Industrial Relations Officer for the Ministry of Skills Development and Labour. Academically she has achieved a Masters in Education from SFU focused on Administrative Leadership.

Ms. Thompson has community involvement with local, regional and provincial participation in non-profit agencies and community boards. She sat on the Board of the Northern Regional Red Cross and was Director of the local Big Brothers and Big Sisters. She served two 3-year terms on the Advisory Design Panel for the City of Prince George and participated on the local and provincial boards of Crime Stoppers.

Message from the Chair| Mission Statement | Logo History | Strategic Plan Objectives | Annual Reports | Parole Criteria | Organizational Chart | Board Members | Brochures | Appeals Process| Parole vs Probation | Sentence Interpretation| Institutions & Contacts | Community Corrections | Policy Manual | Other Links | Feedback





Correction Centres & Contacts. Org Chart. Sentence Interpretation. Mission Statement. Parole vs Probation. Strategic Plan Objectives. Parole Criteria. Brochures. Other Links. Feedback. Logo History. Government of British Columbia. Appeal Process. Message from the Chair. Board Members. Policy Manual. Community Corrections. Annual Reports. BC Parole Home. BC Parole Home. Inmate Guide. Program Description. Victim Guide.