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WSD Home > Public Safety > Integrated Flood Hazard Management

Integrated Flood Hazard Management

The goals of the provincial Integrated Flood Hazard Management program are to reduce or prevent injury, human trauma and loss of life, and to minimize property damage during flooding events.

The program consists of three components: emergency management; dike safety; and land use management.

The Water Stewardship Division plays a leadership role by providing guidance in respect of dike safety and land use management, and supports other provincial and local government agencies in emergency management.

For further information on each component, please refer to the following sections:

Flood Emergency Management

To report a flood emergency please phone 1-800-663-3456
(Connects to the Provincial Emergency Program
Emergency Coordination Centre, Victoria)

For flood forecasts follow this link to River Forecast Centre.

For further flood emergency information >>.

Follow this link to the Provincial Emergency Program.

Dike Safety

Dike safety is a very important component as there are 140 diking systems throughout British Columbia with a total length of over 1 100 km protecting approximately 160 000 hectares of valuable land, 100 000 buildings and 300 000 people.

Most dikes are managed by diking authorities and are regulated under the Dike Maintenance Act by the Inspector of Dikes Office of the Ministry of Environment.

For further dike safety information >>.

Flood Hazard Land Use Management

Flood hazard land use decisions are made by local government decision makers or Ministry of Transportation approving officers. The province has published the Provincial Guidelines and provided other material to support these decision makers.

For further information on flood hazard land use management please follow this link.

Pictures, References and Links

  • Pictures of Dikes and Construction
  • Emergency Preparedness Programs
  • River Forecast and Snow Surveys Center
  • BC and Yukon River Levels

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Flood Hazard Management Section

Ministry of Environment;
Government of
British Columbia

Mailing Address :
PO Box 9342
Stn Prov Govt
Victoria BC
V8W 9M1

Location Address:
3rd Floor,
2975 Jutland Road
Victoria BC

E-Mail  Water.Stewardship


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