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Safety Standards Appeal Board

Welcome to the Safety Standards Appeal Board website.

This site provides information about the board, its rules, practice directives and related information about appeals under section 51 of the Safety Standards Act, SBC 2003 c. 39 (the Act), as amended by the Administrative Tribunals Act, SBC 2004 c.45.

Decisions of the board are posted to this website.

As an adjudicative tribunal, the board is independent of the British Columbia Safety Authority, the regulated industries and any body such as a local government responsible for administering the provisions of the Act.

The chair of the board is responsible to the appointing authority for the board's performance.  The board operates at arms length from the government in its decision-making capacity.

An appeal before the board is an entirely new proceeding. It provides the parties with the opportunity to present their case to be judged on its merits. The board has no evidence before it except the Notice of Appeal and the evidence presented to the board by the parties.

The board’s objective is to process appeals as efficiently and effectively as possible with minimum cost to all parties. It may use a variety of methods to achieve this, depending on the needs of the parties and the complexity of the appeal. These procedural guidelines are meant to clarify the procedures in an appeal which are regulated by the board’s Rules of Practice and Procedure.

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Contact Information
To request copies of the board's practice directives and guidelines, rules and forms, or for other information, please contact us at:  

Safety Standards Appeal Board
609 Broughton Street
Victoria, BC

Our mailing address is:
Safety Standards Appeal Board
PO Box 9844 Stn Prov Govt
Victoria, BC V8W 9T2

Telephone: 250 387-4021
Facsimile: 250 356-6645


 posted December 2004


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