Ministry of Health ServicesGoverment of British Columbia
Community Care Facilities Branch
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Community Care and Assisted Living Act  
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Opening a Community Care Facility  
Section 12 Consultation
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The Community Care Facilities Branch

The Community Care Facilities Branch is part of the Health Protection Division of the Ministry of Health, and is responsible for the development and implementation of legislation, policy and guidelines to protect the health and safety of people being cared for in licensed facilities.

Licensed community care facilities include:

  • Child Day Care Facilities — These may include group day care centers, preschools, out of school care and family child care facilities.
  • Residential Care Facilities — For adults and children/youth. These may include residential care for seniors, group homes and drug and alcohol facilities.

There are approximately 5,200 licensed child care facilities and 1,050 licensed adult and child residential care facilities in British Columbia.

The Branch provides support to medical health officers and over 100 licensing officers located in health authorities across the province.

The Ministry of Children and Family Development is now responsible for the Early Childhood Educator Registry. For further information, visit their website at:

The recently conducted public consultation process for renewing the regulations for licensed child day care and for licensed residential care settings for adults, children and youth is now completed. Comments received to date are currently being collated and analyzed. A report of findings will be posted to the website in the future. For more information on the consultation process, visit the Regulatory Renewal: Public Consultation Process page of our website.

Community Care Facilities Branch Goals

  • To protect the health and safety of people cared for in licensed community care facilities by setting minimum health and safety requirements
  • To provide support to the health authority community care Licensing programs and staff.

Facilities and Licensing

Community care licensing programs are administered locally by medical health officers and licensing officers, who are responsible for direct service delivery in health authorities throughout the province.

Medical health officers and licensing officers provide inspection and monitoring of licensed facilities for the purpose of promoting the health and safety of people living in or using community care facilities.

Legislation and Regulations

The Community Care and Assisted Living Act was brought into force on May 14, 2004. It replaced the Community Care Facility Act. For more detailed information related to the new Community Care and Assisted Living Act, web site.

The Community Care and Assisted Living Act provides the legislative authority for the director of licensing and medical health officers to exercise certain powers and to carry out mandated duties and responsibilities.

The Community Care and Assisted Living Regulation lists the ‘prescribed services’. The number of prescribed services offered by an operator, for adult residential care, differentiates a licensed community care facility from an assisted living residence. This regulation also establishes access to the Community Care and Assisted Living Appeal Board process.

The Adult Care Regulations and the Child Care Licensing Regulation establish the minimum health and safety standards for licensed community care facilities. These regulations contain definitions, license application requirements, staff requirements and physical requirements related to health and safety.

The Assisted Living Regulation pertains only to assisted living residences. For more information on assisted living in British Columbia, view the Office of the Assisted Living Registrar.

The Ministry of Health is responsible for maintaining the relevancy and currency of the Act and its regulations.

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Further Information:

Ministry of Health
E-mail: Health Protection Planning
Phone: (250) 952-1469
Fax: (250) 952-1713

Last Revised: November 29, 2005

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