Ministry of Health ServicesGoverment of British Columbia
PharmaCare Program
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Benefit Groups

Eligibility Process

The benefit eligibility process uses a relationship, established by PharmaCare, between a product, its associated benefit group and the plan rules.

Benefit Group
Seniors over 65 Methadone Maintenance - Eligible under Plan AM
Long Term Care Clients - Eligible under Plan B
Human Resources Clients - Eligible under Plan C
Human Resources Clients Under 19 - Eligible under Plans CN, F, K0-K9, KA-KZ, 1K-4K, QN & UK
Registered Cystic Fibrosis Clients - Eligible under Plan D
Supplements & Enzymes Identification Numbers
Diabetic Supplies - Eligible under Plans B, C, F, I0-9, IA-IZ, 1I-4I, J0-J9, JA-JZ, 1J-2J, Q, & UI
Diabetic Supplies Identification Numbers
Blood Glucose Product Identification Numbers
At Home Clients - Eligible under Plan F
Insulin (No Fee Allowed) - Eligible under Plans B, C, F, I0-9, IA-IZ, 1I-4I, J0-J9, JA-JZ, 1J-2J, Q, & UI
Limited Coverage Items - Special Authority Required
Special Authority Categories
No-Charge Psychiatric Medications - Eligible under Plan G
No-Charge Psychiatric Medications Formulary
A limited number of medications in the formulary are available under the Trial Prescription Program.
Nebulizers for Children Under 19 - Eligible under Plans CN, F, K0-K9, KA-KZ, 1K-4K, QN & UK
Non Steroidal Anti Inflammatory - Eligible under Plan B
Prosthetic / Mastectomy / Ostomy Supplies - Eligible under Plans B, C, F, I0-9, IA-IZ, 1I-4I, J0-J9, JA-JZ, 1J-2J, Q, & UI
Prosthetic & Mastectomy Product Identification Numbers
Ostomy Product Identification Numbers
Clients Registered for BC Palliative Care Benefits Program
Trial Prescriptions - Eligible for Plans C, F, I0-9, IA-IZ, 1I-4I, J0-J9, JA-JZ, 1J-2J, Q, & UI
Trial Product Identification Numbers
Income Based Drugs - Eligible under Plans I0-9, IA-IZ, 1I-4I, J0-J9, JA-JZ, 1J-2J, Q, & UI
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Last Revised: June 21, 2006
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