First Nation carverCultural Programs

Since the beginning of time, Aboriginal people of British Columbia have valued their cultures –cultures that include the songs, stories, ceremonies, values, beliefs, way of life, and languages. Today's Aboriginal people continue the tradition of teaching and sharing their language and traditions so their knowledge can be passed on to future generations.

Through the First Citizens Fund, the Ministry of Aboriginal Relations and Reconciliation assists in the revitalization, promotion and preservation of Aboriginal languages and culture by supporting the the First Peoples' Heritage, Language and Culture Council (FPHLCC) and by providing opportunities for Elders to share and celebrate Aboriginal culture and oral traditions.

Following the 2006 First Citizens’ Forum entitled 'Aboriginal Education: Speaking Our Languages", the Ministry committed to:

  • improving the provincial government’s internal capacity to support Aboriginal languages and cultures;
  • strengthening its relationships with key Aboriginal language stakeholders; and,
  • working more effectively in implementing Aboriginal language and cultural strategies.