First Nations elder and child

Health Initiatives

The Ministry of Aboriginal Relations and Reconciliation works in partnership with other ministries and agencies across government to support and improve the delivery and access of health services to First Nations and Aboriginal people in British Columbia.

The Province has committed to closing the gap that currently exists between First Nations people and other British Columbians. On November 25, 2005 First Ministers and National Aboriginal Leaders agreed to take immediate action to improve the quality of life for Aboriginal Peoples of Canada in five important areas - First Nation-Crown relationships, health, education, housing and economic opportunities. In accordance with that commitment the Province, Canada and the First Nations Leadership Council signed the Transformative Change Accord. The Accord commits the parties to closing the socioeconomic gaps, including health, over a ten-year period.

On November 27, 2006, British Columbia and the First Nations Leadership Council released a new First Nations Health Plan detailing programs and services to take action in closing the gap in health status between First Nations' and other British Columbians by 2015.

On November 28, 2006, British Columbia hosted a National Summit on Aboriginal Health in Vancouver. The Summit will bring Premiers and National Aboriginal Leaders together, along with the federal government, to reaffirm their commitment to closing the gaps in health care between Aboriginal people and other Canadians.

The Province has developed a number of provincial programs and initiatives to help improve health outcomes for Aboriginal people. Including:

  • A five-year Child and Youth Mental Health Plan - the first of its kind in Canada - is recruiting mental health workers to work specifically with Aboriginal children and youth.
  • Integrating the ActNow strategy with First Nations programs to reduce the incidence of preventable diseases like diabetes.
  • Increasing the number of First Nations healthcare professionals.

Conversation on Health

The Conversation on Health is a discussion with and among British Columbians on how to make British Columbia healthier, and how to improve and renew our health system while strengthening the Canada Health Act.