Urban Aboriginal Strategy (UAS)

In 1999, the federal government committed to address the serious socio-economic conditions that many urban Aboriginal people face. The Urban Aboriginal Strategy has a dozen pilot projects in priority urban centres across Ontario, Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Alberta and British Columbia. The Strategy encourages cooperation and creates partnering opportunities among stakeholders, improving access to programs and services and coordination of programs and services.

The current mandate for the Strategy expires at the end of the 2006/07 fiscal year.

The Greater Vancouver Urban Aboriginal Strategy pilot project has been in place for seven years. Led by a 16 member steering committee, it administers $1.3 million in annual funding. The steering committee has eight Aboriginal and eight government members. Two of the government members are from the province.

The Prince George Urban Aboriginal Strategy pilot project started in 2005. It has structured its activities around a Champion's Council of stakeholders from the Prince George region. It currently administers an annual budget of $300,000.