The Transformative Change Accord

"This tri-partite agreement stands as a binding declaration of our mutual resolve to act upon the vision and commitment of all first ministers and national Aboriginal leaders, as set out in the Kelowna agreement. That TCA was the product of an unprecedented government-to-government collaboration. More importantly, it is 'a shared commitment to action by all parties' - including the Government of Canada - that speaks to 'a 10-year dedicated effort to improve the quality of life of the Aboriginal peoples of Canada.'" - Premier Campbell's statement on the New Relationship with Aboriginal People (May, 2006)

In November 2005, the Province, the Federal Government and the Leadership Council representing the First Nations of British Columbia signed the Transformative Change Accord (TCA) to:

  • close the social and economic gap between First Nations and other British Columbians,
  • reconcile Aboriginal rights and title with those of the Crown, and establish a new relationship based upon mutual respect and recognition.