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Transformative Change Accord
November 25, 2005
Kelowna, BC

A New Relationship
Implementation of Supreme Court of Canada Decisions

Leadership Accord
An accord signed on March 17, 2005 between the Union of British Columbia Indian Chiefs, First Nations Summit and BC Assembly of First Nations.

Union of BC Indian Chiefs Welcomes You


NGO in Special Consultative Status with the
Economic and Social Council of the United Nations

November 28, 2006
UBCIC Chiefs Council Passes UBCIC Resolution 2006-42 Calling For Fish Farm Moratorium

November 28, 2006
First Nations Leadership Council Troubled By Today’s Vote at the United Nations

November 27, 2006
Leadership Council Welcomes Federal and Provincial Committments to Support Health of First Nations

November 23, 2006
First Nations Leadership Council Information Bulletin

October 30, 2006
UBCIC Supports the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples

December 07, 2006
Christmas Support for the Downtown Eastside Women’s Centre

February 06, 2007
UBCIC Specific Claims Research Workshop - February 6-8, 2007

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Vancouver Office:
500 - 342 Water Street,
Vancouver, BC, V6B-1B6, CANADA
Ph: 604.684.0231, Fx: 604.684.5726
Kamloops Office:
345 Yellowhead Highway,
Kamloops, BC, V2H-1H1, CANADA
Ph: 250.828.9746, Fx: 250.828.0319

Site by Brad Hornick Communications