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Average Income Taxes Paid by Farmers by Revenue Class,
British Columbia (Incorporated & Unincorporated Farms*): 2001

Revenue Class Average Net
Federal Tax ($)
Average Net
Provincial Tax ($)
Average Federal
& Provincial Taxes ($)
Payable ($)
Paid $
Operators** No.
$10,000 - $24,999 6,869 4,088 10,958 11,112 11,067 4,610
$25,000 - $49,999 4,195 2,321 6,516 6,778 6,743 2,860
$50,000 - $99,999 3,499 2,126 5,625 5,977 5,950 2,380
$100,000 - $249,999 4,144 2,339 6,482 7,067 7,025 2,500
$250,000 - $499,999 4,299 2,323 6,622 7,037 7,005 1,660
$500,000 and over 11,078 6,733 17,811 18,129 18,041 2,060
All Classes 5,462 3,071 8,533 8,770 8,717 16,080
* Incorporated farms include only those farms with agricultural sales of $25,000+ and unincorporated farms include only farms with gross farm revenues of $10,000 + 
** These are distinct from farms in the foregoing revenue classes of which there are a total of 10,505 in B.C.
Note: Rows and columns may not add due to rounding.
Source: Statistics Canada, Whole Farm Database, Taxation Data.


Average Income Taxes Paid by Farmers by Revenue Class, British Columbia (Incorporated & Unincorporated Farms*): 2002

Revenue Class Average Net
Federal Tax $
Average Net
Provincial Tax $
Average Federal &
Provincial Taxes $
Average Total
Payable $
Paid $
$10,000 - $24,999 4,062 1,769 5,830 5,952 5,892 4,520
$25,000 - $49,999 4,794 2,138 6,931 7,230 7,176 2,920
$50,000 - $99,999 3,837 1,654 5,491 5,903 5,846 2,380
$100,000 - $249,999 5,586 2,578 8,164 8,922 8,865 2,510
$250,000 - $499,999 4,835 2,115 6,950 7,846 7,802 1,540
$500,000 and over 11,674 5,464 17,138 17,607 17,546 2,210
All Classes $10,000 and over 5,517 2,485 8,002 8,420 8,364 16,080
* Incorporated farms include only those farms with gross farm revenues of $25,000+ and unincorporated farms include farms with gross farm revenues of $10,000+ 
** These are distinct from farms in the foregoing revenue classes of which there are a total of 10,425 in B.C.
Note: Rows and columns may not add due to rounding.
Source: Statistics Canada, Whole Farm Database


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