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British Columbia Food and Beverage Manufacturing Shipments & Value Added ($ millions*) Summary 1990-2001


1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001
Food Processing 3,223.40 3,175.70 3,29510 3,424.30 3,548.10 3,690.50 3,734.60 3,708.20 3,576.50 3,716.0 4,150.8 4,508.1
Beverages 493.90 537.30 810.0 686.20 654.96 668.08 666.60 776.30 874.80 975.05 1,032.3 992.5
Total 3,717.30 3,713.00 4,105.10 4,110.50 4,203.06 4,358.58 4,401.20 4,484.50 4,451.30 4,691.05 5,183.1 5,500.6
Value Added
Food Processing 1,084.8 1,095.2 1,127.2 1,189.5 1,219.4 1,250.7 1,246.9 1,249.2 1,287.3 1,459.6 1,586.7 1,645.7
Beverages 243.1 291.8 428.8 307.5 316.9 271.8 301.7 386.6 444.9 532.1 553.3 550.3
Total 1,327.9 1,387.0 1,556.0 1,497.0 1,536.4 1,522.5 1,548.6 1,635.8 1,732.2 1,991.7 2,140.0 2,196.0
Value Added as a % of Shipments
Food Processing 33.7 34.5 34.2 34.7 34.4 33.9 33.4 33.7 36.0 39.3 38.2 36.5
Beverages 49.2 54.3 52.9 44.8 48.4 40.7 45.3 49.8 50.9 54.6 53.6 55.4
Total 35.7 37.4 37.9 36.4 36.6 34.9 35.2 36.5 38.9 42.5 41.3 39.9
*manufacturing activity only.
Source:  Statistics Canada, Annual Survey of Manufacturing Industries of Canada, Catalogue 31-203 based on the NAICS classification for 1990-01 data. 

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