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General Responsibilities

The Board Resourcing and Development Office is responsible for:

  • establishing guidelines for all provincial appointments to agencies
  • ensuring that all provincial appointments are made on the basis of merit following an open, transparent and consistent appointment process
  • ensuring that appointees receive appropriate orientation and ongoing professional development with respect to agency governance issues

There are over 300 public agencies to which the provincial government makes appointments. The term agency includes: authorities, boards, commissions, corporations and councils. The definition of public agency also includes any of the bodies established by the government on an interim basis to perform arbitration, regulation or similar functions. It also includes the many agencies excluded from the financial and administrative requirements of the provincial government, but to which the government makes at least one representative appointment.

All of these bodies are referred to as agencies on this site.

  The Board Resourcing and Development Office provides information about British Columbia's public agencies, the people who are appointed to serve on them and the appointment process.
Corporate Governance
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