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May 26, 2004

B.C. and Alberta Work Together to Enhance Services

Five agreements were signed at the second B.C. – Alberta joint Cabinet meeting on May 26, 2004 in Prince Rupert, B.C.

The Alberta-B.C. Internal Trade Framework Agreement
The agreement is designed to break down barriers to trade and investment between Alberta and British Columbia. The goal is to increase competition and lower costs for businesses, consumers and government. It includes mutual recognition of standards and regulations to reduce duplication and overlap.

Memorandum of Understanding on Oil and Gas
Alberta and B.C. will work to harmonize regulations for the oil and gas sector, and electricity transmission sector, to reduce industry costs, increase available investment, and advance economic development.

Memorandum of Understanding on Health Surge Capacity and Resource Sharing
The MOU applies primarily to emergency services and facilities that could be overwhelmed as they respond to, or recover from, an emergency or disaster. The MOU permits more efficient use of resources and sharing of hospital and physician services.

Memorandum of Understanding on Environmental Harmonization
Cooperation and harmonization between Albert and B.C. will result in similar rules in both provinces governing ozone depleting substances and halocarbons, deep well injection, special waste, waste paint stewardship, and electronic product stewardship.

Memorandum of Understanding on E-learning
The MOU will improve student learning by providing a wider range of support, tools, and resources to teachers. It will improve on-line courses by reducing duplication of effort, and allow more information sharing between Alberta and B.C.

In addition, two agreements were signed in advance of the meeting, as follows:

Memorandum of Understanding on Traveller Information
The MOU facilitates more efficient sharing of information between Alberta, British Columbia and Parks Canada to ensure the public is informed in a timely manner when incidents occur on highways in and around mountain parks.

Partnership between Northern Lights College and Southern Alberta Institute of Technology
The two post-secondary institutions will cooperate on the development and delivery of programs related to the oil and gas sector.

Related Links
The Alberta-B.C. Internal Trade Framework Agreement
MOU on Oil and Gas
MOU on Health Surge Capacity and Resource Sharing
MOU on Environmental Harmonization
MOU on E-learning
MOU on Traveller Information
Partnership between Northern Lights College and Southern Alberta Institute of Technology

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