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Federal-Provincial Section

The Federal-Provincial Relations Section of the Intergovernmental Relations Secretariat provides leadership in the development and co-ordination of British Columbia's relations with the federal government as well as other provincial governments and the territories of Canada.

The objectives of this section are:

  • To ensure that BC's interests are advanced in both federal and inter-provincial negotiations
  • To ensure a corporate perspective across Ministries in all of BC's relations with other Canadian governments
  • To co-ordinate provincial policy on federal-provincial-territorial issues that cut across several Ministries' responsibilities
  • To manage a network of contacts with other Canadian jurisdictions and with Ministries, providing information on the positions of other governments and on the status of intergovernmental issues and negotiations
  • To lead negotiations of complex inter-jurisdictional agreements to protect and enhance BC's priorities or programs with other Canadian governments
  • To anticipate initiatives of the federal and other provincial governments that impact on provincial interest, provide advice on pro-active approaches for the province, and guide Ministries in the development of consistent intergovernmental positions
  • To improve and strengthen BC's influence on federal-provincial matters in Ottawa
  • To advance the interest of B.C. in national unity initiatives
  • To support the Premier's participation in First Ministers' and Premiers' discussions and meetings by preparing strategic advice to the Premier and ensuring follow-up on decisions and recommendations made at these meetings
  • To support Ministries in meetings between federal, provincial and territorial Ministers and Deputy Ministers

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    International Section

    The International Relations Section of the Intergovernmental Relations Secretariat has overall responsibility for British Columbia's relations with international governments. The activities of this section are an acknowledgement by the provincial government of the strategic importance of sound international relations to the economy and the citizens of British Columbia.

    The objectives of this Section are:

    • To work across government in leading and co-ordinating the development of a strategic approach to British Columbia's international relations
    • To liaise with foreign governments, neighbouring U.S. States and other Canadian jurisdictions on issues pertaining to British Columbia's international relations
    • To support Ministries and Crown Corporations on specific international issues, particularly those spanning a number of government agencies
    • To support the Premier for international visits
    • To act as the principal liaison between the Province of British Columbia and the federal Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade (DFAIT)
    • To assert a provincial role in international agreements and negotiations that have a direct impact upon British Columbia
    • To maintain co-operation and economic arrangements with various sub-national entities around the world, such as Eastern Cape Province in South Africa
    • To maintain a dialogue with the United States (the western states in particular) on subjects of transportation, trade, environment, and other fields in order to foster international co-operative efforts
    • To promote the regional interests of BC by maintaining a provincial presence as a member of the Pacific North West Economic Region (PNWER), the Council of State Governments (West), the Western Governors' Association, and other regional organisations which offer a framework for ongoing regional co-operation and interaction

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    Strategic Services Section

    The Strategic Services Section of the Intergovernmental Relations Secretariat administers the Protocol and Events Branch of the Secretariat and provides human resources, financial, planning and policy analysis services, as well as leading and co-ordinating major intergovernmental policy initiatives.

    The objectives of this Section are:

    • To lead in the development of the Intergovernmental Relations Secretariat's overall strategic directions, including the preparation and monitoring of the Service Plan
    • To administer the Protocol and Events Branch, including:
      • Providing advice in matters of protocol and ceremonies
      • Serve as the principal contact for the BC Consular Corp
      • Administer the Provincial Symbols and Honours Act and provide secretariat services for the Order of British Columbia, and
      • Manage events and conferences including inter-governmental conferences and the Long Service Awards ceremony
    • To develop and implement corporate financial and administrative policy and procedures throughout the Secretariat and provide financial and administrative support
    • To provide support to the Ministerial Councils on Social Policy Renewal in the implementation of the Social Union Framework Agreement, to ensure consistent implementation of the Framework Agreement across Ministries, prepare an annual Report on Mobility, and to support the work of the Councils in co-ordinating national and inter-provincial social policy
    • To help co-ordinate the development of major inter-jurisdictional provincial policy involving several Ministries in such areas as Early Childhood Development and northern intergovernmental relations
    • To develop intergovernmental policy respecting northern jurisdictions including negotiation and administration of the BC-Yukon Intergovernmental Relations Accord and the Northwest Territories-British Columbia Memorandum of Understanding for Cooperation and Development
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