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      Last Update: October 11, 2006
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The intent of the Forest Health homepage is to present a forest health agent of interest. To start with, I will provide information on two insect pests of greatest impact to Okanagan Shuswap District.

In the future, if there is any pest that is of particular interest to to you, please let me know and I will try and post the information. In the meantime, I will post information as time permits.

Topics of Interest in Okanagan Shuswap Forest District

Pests of Interest in Okanagan Shuswap Forest District

Related Site Links

If you have questions and/or comments about the Forest Health Program, please contact:

  • Heather Rice, Forest Health Officer
    Ministry of Forests
    Okanagan Shuswap Forest District
    2501 - 14th Avenue
    Vernon, B.C., V1T 8Z1
  • Phone: (250) 558-1700
    Fax: (250) 549-5485

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