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  Cariboo-Chilcotin Business Area
  Welcome to the Cariboo-Chilcotin Business Area of BC Timber Sales, which geographically encompasses the Central Cariboo, Chilcotin and Quesnel forest districts. The administrative and management centre for the business area is the Timber Sales Office (TSO) located in Williams Lake. We also have field teams in Quesnel and Williams Lake.

The TSO provides all front-counter walk-in service for the business area and is where customers can pick up or drop-off TSL tender packages, program registration packages and copies of legal documents. Field team offices are not able to provide these services. All general inquiries and requests for meetings in the Cariboo-Chilcotin Business Area should be directed to:
  BC Timber Sales
200 - 640 Borland Street
Williams Lake, B.C. V2G 4T1
Tel: 250 398-4345
Fax: 250 398-4790
Email: Forests.CaribooChilcotinTimberSalesOffice@gov.bc.ca
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