Ministry of Forests Regions and Districts

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Map Products and Services



Vegetation Resources Inventory Maps

Vegetation Resource Inventory maps (formerly Forest Cover Maps) follow the British Columbia Geographical System (BCGS) of mapping. The cartographic framework for this mapping is the Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) coordinate system. This system is based on the North American Datum 1983 (NAD83). Each mapsheet is precisely 12 minutes of longitude wide by 6 minutes of latitude high. For further information or to purchase VRI maps, please visit Cloverpoint Cartographics

BC Topographic Map Series

The BC Topographic Map Series provides a new, province-wide general purpose reference map. Maps are based on the latest provincial TRIM (1:20,000) data and include several enhancements to a "traditional" topographic map. Clover Point Cartographics Ltd. has developed a high-end cartographic product intended to meet the needs and interests of a wide audience.
National Topographic (NTS) Map Series
Topographic maps produced by Natural Resources Canada conform to the National Topographic System (NTS) of Canada. The National Topographic System provides general-purpose topographic map coverage of the entire Canadian landmass. These maps depict, in detail, ground relief, drainage, forest cover, administrative areas, populated areas, transportation routes and facilities, and cultural features. They are available in two standard scales, 1/50 000 and 1/250 000. To purchase this product or other lithographed maps of British Columbia, visit the International Travel Maps and Books Web site

Specialty Maps and Nautical Charts

Crown Publications is an authorised agent for nautical charts, topographical maps and other specialty maps.

Other Map Sources

Links to other map sources of land-related information

Air Photo, TRIM and Digital Imagery

Base Mapping and Geomatics Services Aerial photography products and other key initiatives available for British Columbia. Order these products from the Base Map Online store.


Land and Resource Data Warehouse (LRDW)

The Land and Resource Data Warehouse (LRDW) is the corporate repository for integrated land, resource and geographic data. The Discovery and Distribution Service allows users to determine what data is available and to order information for download from the warehouse to their own computers.

The Natural Resource Information Centre (NRIC)

The Natural Resource Information Centre is a window into provincial natural resource data sources provided by various ministries and agencies. Here you will find links to commonly used e-Services, Interactive Map Applications, websites, portals and documents related to specific natural resource business areas.

The Canadian Geomagnetic Reference Field (CGRF)

The Canadian Geomagnetic Reference Field (CGRF) for calculating magnetic declination


Consolidated Forest Development Plan

The Consolidated Forest Development Plan (CFDP) maps are intended as an overview summary of harvesting plans in the Chilliwack Forest District. They are a representation of information found in a Forest Development Plan (FDP) for the district.  The information shown on these maps are updated periodically.  If you would like more detailed information on any area shown or would like to check amendments to the FDP's, please contact the Tenures section of the Chilliwack Forest District.

Maps - October 2006


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